Feed-Forward Latent Domain Adaptation

Ondrej Bohdal, Da Li, Shell Xu Hu and Timothy Hospedales

WACV 2024

Paper / Poster / Slides

Figure 1: Illustration of the desired application scenario.

Proposed Problem Setting

Our key motivation is to adapt a model on the user's device to optimize performance on local data distribution. There are several challenges and desiderata associated with such setup:

  • Keep data local for privacy: local processing and no cloud
  • Feed-forward: backpropagation is slow and may not be supported on mobile devices
  • Latent domains: user's local stored data is of mixed relevance to each test instance
  • No labels: no class or domain labels for user's examples
  • Source-free: access only to the pre-trained model, not the source data

Figure 2: Comparison of standard and latent domain adaptation settings.

Our Solution: CXDA

Our key idea is to use a cross-attention mechanism to identify and exploit relevant support instances for adapting to the query example. The cross-attention mechanism and other parameters of the model are pre-trained by solving many adaptation tasks using source data.

Figure 3: Overview of our solution to address the proposed problem setting.


We evaluate the approach on various synthetic and real-world benchmarks, and compare it with feed-forward baselines, back-propagation baselines and more advanced baselines from related areas such as open compound domain adaptation. The results highlight the usefulness of our CXDA for the proposed problem setting.

Table 1: Average and worst-case (worst 10% tasks) test performance, with standard error of the mean across 3 random seeds.

Speed Evaluation

Our CXDA gives the best performance and is capable of real-time adaptation with similar speed as the other feed-forward baselines. It is significantly faster than the back-propagation based approaches.

Figure 4: Analysis of test accuracy vs time per task for the various approaches evaluated.


We have introduced a new highly practical problem setting for resource-constrained devices, characterised by unlabelled data, mixture of domains and the need for feed-forward adaptation. To address this problem setting, we have developed an approach called CXDA that selects relevant examples via cross attention and uses them for real-time adaptation.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website